Empowering Former Foster Youth Nationwide

Foster Greatness envisions being the largest community for individuals with foster care & adverse backgrounds as well as those who support and advocate for them, offering a supportive environment for resource access, skill development, and relationship building.

Decades of Poor Outcomes

While approximately 440,000 young people are in the foster care system each year, about 23,000 exit or age out of the system annually, often stepping into adulthood without adequate resources or support networks, leading to significant life challenges.
will earn a college degree
will become instantly homeless
incarcerated within 2 years
of females will become pregnant before age 21

77% age out of foster care without resources

This pivotal transition often lacks the necessary support structures that are critical for successful independence. Despite efforts to change these statistics, the outcomes have largely remained unchanged.

Fostering Youth Transitions 2023 - Annie. E. Casey Foundation

We've built the solution.

Foster Greatness is a unique platform designed to provide former foster youth with complete and easy access to essential resources. It acts as a crucial connector to a wide range of opportunities that were previously out of reach. Foster Greatness offers extensive resources, tailored learning materials and ongoing support after foster care, helping users navigate towards a future full of potential.
Access: Essential resources and guidance for post-care success.
Community: Connect with peers and mentors who understand your journey.
Opportunity: Discover pathways to education, career, and personal growth.

All-in-One Empowerment Hub

We combined scientific data with best practices to create the most comprehensive platform for individuals with foster care experience.

Resource Finder

Simplifies the search for support, offering a streamlined way to connect with a wide range of services. It’s designed to effortlessly guide users to the help they need, tailored to their specific location and situation.

Peer Coaching

Connect with mentors who have walked your path, ready to offer one-on-one advice, insights, and encouragement to navigate life's challenges.

Supportive Relationships

Join a vibrant community of peers and professionals who understand, support, and uplift each other, forming bonds that help turn challenges into triumphs.

Learning Materials

Our exclusive Master Class designed to develop personal and professional growth, with topics ranging from financial literacy to skill development.

Ongoing Events

Attend events that matter, from career fairs to workshops, each crafted to build connections, enhance skills, and open doors to new possibilities.

Community Supporters

Businesses and Experts dedicated to providing opportunities, services, and support to our users, creating a network of resources that cater to diverse needs and aspirations.
Resource Navigator

Unrivaled Access to Half a Million Resources

With over 550,000 resources, our platform boasts the largest and most current network in the nation, providing unparalleled connectivity and access for everyone
Nationwide Coverage: Reaching across all 50 states ensures that you find the support you need, no matter your location
Community-Centric: An average of 1,600+ resources in each county, ensuring local needs are met no matter where you are
Quality Assurance: We continuously vet and update our listings to ensure the highest standard of aid options
Peer Coaching

Guidance from Those Who Understand

Connect with experienced mentors who have shared similar paths and are ready to help you navigate and utilize the resources available within our app.
App-Support: Assistance in effectively utilizing app resources
Shared Experience Insight: Benefit from the wisdom of those who’ve walked similar paths
Supportive Relationships

Building a Community of Support

Join our thriving community of peers and professionals, all committed to understanding, supporting, and uplifting each other, transforming personal challenges into collective triumphs.
Dynamic Community Network: A vibrant community building connections and mutual support
Varied Connections: Access to both peer and professional relationships for comprehensive guidance
Safe Space for Growth: An inclusive and nurturing environment promoting personal and collective development
Learning Materials

Learn, Grow, Succeed

Dive into our exclusive Master Class focused on personal and professional development, covering essential topics from financial literacy to practical skill enhancement.
Tailored Educational Content: Courses designed by, for, and with young people who have experienced foster care
Broad Topic Spectrum: From financial literacy to career development, our materials cover essential areas for well-rounded knowledge
Skill Development Focus: Materials aimed at practical skill enhancement, preparing users for real-world challenges
Ongoing Events

Events that Empower and Connect

Explore our calendar of ongoing events designed to provide continuous learning and networking opportunities. Each event is structured to build skills, boost community involvement, and cultivate a consistent atmosphere of growth and development.
Skill Building: Regularly scheduled events aimed at enhancing skills and expanding networks
Ongoing Community Engagement: Events designed to continuously reinforce community bonds and enhance learning connections
Community Partners

Partnerships that Propel Potential

Collaborate with our dedicated community partners, including businesses and experts, all committed to providing diverse opportunities, services, and support tailored to our users’ aspirations.
Network of Expertise: Partnerships with businesses and experts providing diverse opportunities and specialized support
Resource-Rich Collaborations: Our partners contribute valuable resources, services, and insights, enriching our community’s experience

Foster Greatness: A League of Its Own

Experience the unparalleled support and innovation that sets Foster Greatness apart from the rest.
Accessibility & Scalability
Cross-Platform Accessibility (App & Desktop)
Nationwide Localized Support
Over 550,000 Aid Programs
Comprehensive Coverage Across 50 States
Resource and Content Quality
Bi-Annually Updated Resource Database
Largest Resource Database in the US
PhD-Backed Programs
Mentor Guided Content
Engagement and Support
Live Events Streaming via App
One-on-One Mentorship Options
Instant Information Delivery
Access and Inclusivity
Free Lifetime Access
No Foster Care Proof Required
Personalized User Experience
Innovation & Community Focus
Data-Driven Innovation
Community-Centric Approach
Collecting Analytics on Users


Meetings dashboard
Automations creator


Meetings dashboard
Advanced filtering
Automations creator
Unlimited automations
Access to AI engine


Meetings dashboard
Advanced filtering
Automations creator
Unlimited automations
Access to AI engine
Unlimited AI
Unlimited AI

Charting New Paths in Foster Care

Foster Greatness is pioneering change in the foster care system, addressing the critical resource gap faced by the overwhelming majority of transitioning young adults.

Our unique platform—a first of its kind—melds essential resources, mentorship, and community support, transforming futures with opportunity and hope. We're not just envisioning change; we're making it happen.

Join Our Mission to Transform Lives

Connect with us to be a part of a transformative journey, where individual lives are uplifted on a grand scale. Your collaboration, support, or curiosity fuels our collective mission to equip each person with the tools to achieve greatness. Together, let's shape a future where potential is realized and success is accessible to all.

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