Our Vision
Foster Greatness challenges the conventional foster care social services model by empowering young people to take charge of their own lives, instead of imposing limiting definitions of success. We believe the traditional benchmarks of success—securing any job, being part of the 3% of foster youth who graduate college, and avoiding homelessness, incarceration, or early parenthood—are unacceptably low.
Our platform, designed by and for young people with foster care experience, aims to redefine relationships and broaden life experiences. Foster Greatness has implemented a relationship-centered, technology-driven, and data-informed approach, enabling young people to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to build fulfilling lives.
Our efforts are cultivating a new generation of professionals skilled in trust-based relationship principles and trauma-informed practices. These individuals are redefining social services and case management standards, empowering those affected by foster care to create a brighter future for themselves and generations to come.