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Resource Specialist

Speak to a Resource Specialist

Our trauma- informed Resource Specialists understand the challenges of finding help firsthand. They offer personalized support to connect you with resources you need such as housing assistance, food pantries and more.
Resource Finder

Access the Resource Finder

We're here to help you or someone you care for access essential resources in your community. Our FREE FG Resource Finder makes it simple to find the support you need, including good, medical care, job training, and more.
Live Events

Join Live Panels and Workshops

Our community live panels and workshops provide a platform for individuals with diverse lived experiences to share their unique journeys, insights, and challenges. Join us for these empowering discussions where voices are amplified and stories inspire.
Advocate Connection

Connect with Foster Care Advocates

Want to connect with a supportive network of fellow foster care advocates? Join our community to learn from insightful interviews, share experiences, and build lasting relationships with peers and experts who understand your unique challenges and goals.

Access the Foster Greatness App

Peer Connections: Join a network of friends, mentors, and supporters. Find individuals who understand your journey and can offer guidance based on shared experiences.
Resource Accessibility: Our comprehensive resource database is tailored to fit your unique needs. From educational materials to job opportunities, everything is just a tap away.
Educational Growth: Delve into our exclusive Master Class. Learn to navigate and overcome past experiences, and set yourself on a course for a successful future.
Google Play